I ended up getting eggs again from these guys. I'm going to give it a go and raise them up. They are huge eggs. I ended up loosing the adult male for some unknown reason so I'm looking for another male. Here are the pics.. Enjoy. Who here has raised honkong newts?
I read the article and it is very helpful. I'm exited because these guys will be easier to raise than most larvae as they are so huge. Starting them on black worms is probably the easiest thing to do. Any idea what he did with all the babies he raised? Even though this species grows very slow and it will take a long time to raise up we never see any cb animals. They are all Imported. From metamorphosis to adult hood is approximately how many years?
So I bought this group of newts but I am pretty sure they chinensis..if any of you guys want to also take a swing at IDing these guys. They are still skinny but putting on weight. I have been having a hard time finding actual adult honkonensis...when was the last time they were actually offered and do you guys think the importation of these guys has slowed down or will eventually stop?
Hi Ezequiel About three years ago reptile wholesalers in the US were selling trade name rough back newts (that were mostly Hongkongensis) to pet retail. They were obviously imports from Asian exporters. Now the roughback newts you see at pet stores are mostly Chinensis. Occasionally what wholesalers try to sell as paddletails will sometimes be either Chinensis or Hongkongensis. The really sad story is the lack of Deloustali in the US. About 6-7 years ago wholesalers would get Vietnam shipments and they would contain animals they sold as a trade name as warty newt. Half were Deloustali and the other half were Hongkongensis. Sad to say that you don't see many captive breed Juvies around much on Hongkongensis here in the states. I'll keep my eyes open at stores I visit to see if I spot any. I use to keep this species and very familiar with them.
Thank you. Please let me know. This whole thing has motivated me as well. I had no idea how valuable( at least to me) these newts are. While they are always being offered at a super low price,They are becoming more and more rare and harder to come by. The individuals that I have I will try my hardest to raise them and start some cb bloodline of these guys. The individuals that i got were pretty old about 8-10 years old. Sadly I lost the male I had. He was a beautiful guy. I had received a sub adult honkonensis guy and I had him seperate for about 6 months and he was doing great. I placed him in with my original 1.1 group and I monitored them for a week and they were doing fine. Two weeks after I saw my original male not moving much and I seprated him but he passed away. Not sure what it could have been. Any ideas?
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