New Subforum Topics - Post them to this thread please


Staff member
Feb 6, 2001
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John Clare
If you have any suggestions for subtopics not present in this part of the forum right now, post them to this thread with the suggested name, description and why you think they deserve their own subtopic.

It dawned on me last week (when the stinky cats were being vacinated) that I should find a vet who knows about Axolotl for that just in case situation. My vets were not to sure of anyone in this area who could reliably treat them. Maybe people on the site could recomend vets who specialises in amphibians?
I agree. A vet reference section would be a life saver for many axie owners. I think this topic should have vets that are good. And vets that arent. EG. giving you wrong medicine that hurt axies. I think there should be a name and shame and a best vet section. Both under one sub fourm heading. :D
Maybe a rant section on bad pet shop exepriences or comings across axolotls being subject to poor living conditions, maybe rescue stories can be posted here as well.

And introductions area where people post pictures of new axies?

i dunno just some ideas really.
A section on reputable and disreputable pet shops around the world would be good
Maybe a "colour morph" section, or something to that affect? I've noticed people posting in other sections asking about colour ratio of offspring. Sometimes people get confused on the topic.
I've been lurking on the forum lately, and they have lots of subforums that might inspire you if you have a look. Also the forum has lots of neat subforums.
OK based on what you've suggested I am thinking the following:

Vet Testimonials/Recommendations
Axie Iintroductions
Colour Morph/Type Discussion
Bad Experiences (I can't think of a better name for somewhere to talk about pet stores and such?)
What about maybe a subforum specifically to do with rearing eggs/larvae?

Is that not covered by the Eggs, Larvae & Breeding topic?
Oh! I thought that was just an axolotl subforum, I didn't know it was for other species.

Oh! I didn't even notice that this thread was in the Axolotl Forum. I thought it was general. That's what happens when you access by "New Messages -- Last Day" rather than the main menu! Sorry.
Hehe. So you want one elsewhere? I thought that sort of thing was covered by the species topics?
Hey john, what about a 'food' subtopic, maybe about culturing live food as well as dealing with dead food
Seeing's as this is the topic thats currently plaguing me and prompted me to join here... What about a "Feeding" sub-topic/sub-category? I'm only new to this forum, so I may have missed it, if this is the case, my apologies.:eek:
Seeing's as this is the topic thats currently plaguing me and prompted me to join here... What about a "Feeding" sub-topic/sub-category? I'm only new to this forum, so I may have missed it, if this is the case, my apologies.:eek:

Or do feeding questions no matter how new to the hobby you are, all just go in the "advanced amphibian" sub-forum of Feeding etc or something? I posted it in the beginner section, as that is what I am... :confused: Sorry, I get lost on this forum pretty easily, as like I said, I'm new, and don't remember so easily where I saw things etc... So forgive me if I post in the wrong section or I post something that is already a topic/thread in a different section, but I do try and search to see if its already been posted previously, just maybe some of my searches are too specific and dont include all of the sub-forums etc... Just takes getting use to the different set up and system of this forum I spose...? I'm much more confident in using and finding my way around other forums :D
We have an entire section of the forum devoted to food and everything to do with it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
What about "Home/DIY Vet" a how to guide on preforming minor interventions as in salt baths, fridgeing...ext. and remedies for common health problems.
the open section where this stickied thread is located in a little confusing. i think it's a little more intuitive to have all these threads moved into 'Axolotl Free for all'.

- rename 'axolotl free for all' to 'General discussion'

- add a sticky in general discussion about how to get started in the axolotl hobby

- reorganize the subforums:
- general discussion
- breeding
- tank set-ups
- sick axolotl
- axolotl gallery
General chit-chat
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  • FragileCorpse:
    Hey everyone, just want a little advice. Its 55 - 60 celcius in my Salamanders tank. Hes curled up and tyring ti bury himself, Im assuming hes too cold. I was wondering if he would benefit from a heated rock cave (since he LOVES his cave) that I could set on low? I NEVER see him curled up and trying to bury himself unless his tank sits at 63 degrees celcius or lower. So I am assuming hes a little uncomfortable.
  • FragileCorpse:
    He also seems a little sluggish, again, assuming hes cold. Having heating trouble with the new house right now. What do we think? Was thinking of grabbing this for him since its got very low, medium, and higher medium heat settings that exude heat downward inside the rock cave but ALSO exudes it UPWARDS outside of the rock cave, effectively keeping the tank itself a little warm. Seems like it miiiight be a little small for him though, my guy is about 7 inches from tip of his nose tothe tip of his tail. What do we think?
  • FragileCorpse:
    I also asked this as an actual question in a thread in case anyone wants to answer it there instead of here
  • hhlarmore:
    Had a question that I just want to be sure of. My marbled newt is a little over a year old and has started to develop and I noticed that he is starting to swell a little below his abdomen. I guess I’d like to know if they are his testes or if I need to be concerned.
  • FragileCorpse:
    Guess no one answers anything here, gonna have to make a post I gues
  • SkudulfXD:
    Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot yet, so I'll ask here, I'm a first time Axolotl owner, and my dad used to run an aquarium store, anyways... Orca, my Axolotl, seems to loose parts of her toes on one limb from time to time, I can't seem to find the problem. Tempature is well, she doesn't seem to have any infections or anything, though. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vet in Brazil for amphibians that are in a reasonable distance to drive without stressing Orca out too much
    SkudulfXD: Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot... +1