White stuff on gills?


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Aug 17, 2011
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British Columbia
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Alright, This wasnt here yesterday. And I have to go away today. Today i went and looked at Bubbles and I noticed some white stuff on her gills. Is it fungus? Or just her gills being weird? Heres some pics. Also, I have to leave today for a night, No getting around it. will she be alright untill tomorrow if it is fungus? My mom wont know what to do or how to get rid of it, And i dont want to chance telling her, Because everytime I leave for a bit and leave her incharge of my axies, i always come back to at least 1 dead. Sooo Never gonna happen again. But yeah if it is fungus will she be okay for a night?


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Try to do a salt bath before you leave (great tutorial stickied - just read carefully and err on the side of too mild salt concentration), it does look like saprolegnia. It only takes 10 minutes. :)

I can't tell you if it will be okay for a night. "Probably" - but I've seen fungus grow very fast. I once came home from only 6-8 hours of being away and found my axolotl harbouring a much larger fungus puff than that, which no trace of *any* last time observed.
Alright Will Do, Unfortunatly I had to leave before I got any replies. But I came back and it hasnt gotten any worse, I'm just not sure if its fungus or just her gills turning white.

Later I found out that a wolf spider had fallen into the tank. I dont know if it bit her, if she tried to eat it, or if it had anything.. I feel terrible. But before I left I moved Bubbles into a tank with 100% fresh water, a airstone and her fave tree.

She seems fine. But the whites still there. Like i said, Not sure if its fungus or just something maybe from that spider falling in?
The top gill on the right side of the picture especially looks like fungus, it looks like a little white puff hanging out in the gill filaments. That's the best I can see from the pictures.

Fungus won't really make them act all the differently or be "not fine" until it gets worse.

I doubt the spider had anything to do with it so I wouldn't worry about that. :)
Yeah thats what I was thinking too but when i get a closer look (going to use magnifying glass because ive got terrible eyes) It kinda looks like that white stuff is the gill feathers or the gill stalk bent a bit? I'm not sure. I'll take a look and let you know. If its fungus, Maybe i'll try to gently get it off with a Q-tip? I heard somewhere that that works for small fungus problems. I dont really want to have to resort to salt baths, Because Ive read that they can be harmful if not done correctly. But yeah i'll inform u soon o:
Alright well yup you're right. We've got a very small fungus problem, Its not spreading too quickly, So thats good. I'll take care of it asap :) Thanks for your help.
Alright well, Our first salt bath went very smoothly :) She was very good for me, Didnt freak out when i picked her up, Didnt freak out when it put her in, and just for being so good, She got a nice juicy earthworm as a reward ^-^
Salt baths dont seem to be helping.. I Really dont think its fungus anymore. I keep looking at it.. It looks like its her Gill stalks / The Feather things That are turning white.. I think that's why it looks fuzzy. is because of the gill feather things.. I'm so confused :( If i had a better camera that could get closer pics I would take better pics.. but unfortunatly its not that easy with my camera. But it really looks like its just her Gills that are turning white..
Here I got some pics that are a bit closer.


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I've noticed this same problem with my Axolotl too. I thought his tip of his gill stalks got "burned" from floating above the water for awhile exposed to air his gill stalks. Right now he has stopped floating & that is how I noticed these white tips. They are not getting fuzzy nor anything worse. I have no idea how this has happened ? It's been like this for maybe 3 weeks or so ?
Strange.. But yeah I used a Q-tip and gently moved her gills to look behind.. dosnt look fuzzy. The white isnt getting any worse... And it just looks like her gills are turning white.. But only in little spots. I dont know. Confusing creatures Axies are. x-x
Here's a picture of one of my guys That came close to the tank glass. He only has this on one gill stalk, just the very tip of it, the filiaments have turned white as well. No signs of it being fluffy or cotton like.
hm, strange, Yeah mine's like that too. Have no idea What caused this or how to fix it o: Bubbles dosnt seem bothered by it. But it does worry me just incase something is wrong. its nearly impossible to find any type of axolotls where I live.. about 99.99% impossible to find leucistics or anything other than wild types here. And we only get wild types VERY occasionally.
Yeah Honestly I do not know either but I would be worried too if there is limited colors in your area. My Axolotl's don't seem bother by it at all. My Leucistic has a few on the tips of his gill stalks too but I cannot get a good picture as he doesn't swim close to the tank glass.
I hope someone can solve this mystery for us.
hm, strange, Yeah mine's like that too. Have no idea What caused this or how to fix it o: Bubbles dosnt seem bothered by it. But it does worry me just incase something is wrong. its nearly impossible to find any type of axolotls where I live.. about 99.99% impossible to find leucistics or anything other than wild types here. And we only get wild types VERY occasionally.
Hi, did you ever find out what was wrong??? I seem to be having the same situation with my axolotl. I originally gave him a salt bath but it seems that white stuff is still there and it’s not growing like I think a fungus would. It’s the exact situation with yours. I’m worried though because they came out of no where and I’m scared that it’s a fungus but at the same time it doesn’t look like it.
Hi, did you ever find out what was wrong??? I seem to be having the same situation with my axolotl. I originally gave him a salt bath but it seems that white stuff is still there and it’s not growing like I think a fungus would. It’s the exact situation with yours. I’m worried though because they came out of no where and I’m scared that it’s a fungus but at the same time it doesn’t look like it.
You can feel free to look through OP's threads but be warned, Bubbles eventually died from fungal infection. Not certain if this was how it started, spreading to Freckles, its tankmate, and taking them both out.
You can feel free to look through OP's threads but be warned, Bubbles eventually died from fungal infection. Not certain if this was how it started, spreading to Freckles, its tankmate, and taking them both out.
Oh my gosh. Poor bubbles and his owner:( maybe I’ll just keep giving mine salt baths and see if it goes away.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1