Question: A basic question c:


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Dec 20, 2008
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Hello there!
I'm aquiring a new axolotl in the next few weeks, she's currently living with my friend who rescued her, the poor axo was going to be put down because she was being bullied by the other tank mate and the pet shop didn't really have much information on them or room etc etc.

I've been looking at them for a long time so I know bits and bobs, but really I wanted some of the questions answered for me, so that I can be certain. :artist:

Now, I've got a tank that's around 30 x 15 x 12, would this be ok for a fully grown axolotl?
She's not fully grown, but I'm aiming for a longtime investment. c:
Plants and such, real plants or plastic? Or does it not really make a difference?

Only a few questions for such a block of text, so sorry. D:

Thank you for your help!!
Hi Mitzee

Please find attached the link below that will answer your questions about housing your axolotl.

Secondly, what type of condition is the axolotl in ?
If you want you can post a picture of your axolotl and we would be happy to advise you on any thing that you may need to know.

Thirdly, is your tank currently cycling ? If not, then you should ensure that you have your tank up and running for as much time as possible prior to placing it in the tank.

You will find all the starting information required at

Plants living or fake is a person choice, please note that axolotls can destroy live ones and I personally have fake soft/silky ones, because of that and also because that where I live it is hard to keep the water below 20 degrees C, and with plants you need light, which can also affect the temperature of the water in your tank, not that you would have that problem where you live.

Anyway good luck and we hope to see you in the forum.

Make sure once your up and running you post lots of pictures, we all love them here.

Good luck
Would those measurements be in cm or inches?
I don't think it mattes what plants you use, but I prefer real because I think they help with ammonia levels and they just look better in my opinion.
paullism; Thanks for your help. I currently don't have any photos of her, but she's almost fully recovered so she's in good shape. But as soon as I can I'll get some photos :wacko:

And no, I'm setting it up as soon as possible and it will be running for at least 1-2 weeks before she's put in it.

Shadow; Sorry yes, it's in inches.

That's the best picture I can get of her at the moment, she doesn't seem to be in bad shape. All that was damaged seems to have cleared up.
The tank size sounds appropriate for one axolotl.

Make sure you read the article on cycling and the one on water quality as they are the most important tools in keeping your axolotl healthy.

Many of the Caudata Culture articles in my signature are directly applicable to axolotls so it may be in your best to peruse those also.

As to plants, fake or real is a personal preference. Real plants have many benefits but they also require their own specialized care and not everyone wants to put in that extra effort.

While the photo doesn't show a lot, after all the reading you would have done by now I am sure you can be the best judge on the statis of condition of your little friend.

Good luck & it sounds like your little friend is lucky to have some one like you.
She looks very healthy to me, a nice golden albino?
For the plants dilemma, it really depends on the area the tank will be put. Certain plants will need different amounts of light and are more likely to develop fungus than fake plants, but also more likely to accumulate healthy bacteria.

The best live plant for a tank that requires minimal amount of light is Java Moss, you should be able to get this at any aquarium-based petstore. I like to put in one or two small live plants, and about three of four fake ones. As I said before plants will need different amounts of light and also care.. some plants require trimming every few months and others need a certain substrate to grow properly.

It's all a big learning curve so I suggest you start off with some Java Moss.
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