another floater also flailing


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May 3, 2008
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Dave & Kirsty
hi ppl.
my axi has been floating on the top of the water for 2 to 3 days now, she appears perfectly healthy in the sense that shes not bloated or suffering from fungal infection etc, she cant seem to swim down at all. she was eating a little bit, less than normal though (even on the top) until today, she wouldn't even eat her favourite - live fish!. when she swims its almost as if she is trying to get out of the water and sometimes she is doing these kinda half body rolls - like she is swinging from side to side. I just tested all of the levels and there all ok, and we have large river rocks on the bottom of the tank. We have an under gravel filter so there is no current.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Ok she may have swallowed too much air. I have had the same thing with mine although much less as they have matured. Basically she may just need to burp.
You may need to keep an eye on the under gravel filter though. A lot of people have trouble with them poluting the tank as axies are rather messy so and so's.
Another reason could be it needs a poo. Axolotls can act strangely (to us) when they need to go and may float or just remain motionless in the tank until they have completed their mission lol.
Or maybe yours is just a lazy axolotl lol. Yes it can be normal, they can become less mobile as they get older and will just sit around doing nothing.
Lazy have you tested your water conditions?
Thanks for your help, lets hope she can drop her cargo if this is the case, otherwise i may have to invest in a weight belt (ofcourse im only joking). Funny thing happened today when i tried to feed her, rather than eat she climbed on my hand and lifted herself out of the water for about 5 seconds then turned around and swam away, i doubt this means too much as shes always liked gulping air, just thought id mention it.

I will inform you of any changes, in the mean time thanks for your help.

What would your water readings for ammonia, nitrate, nitrites and pH be as its possibly a water quality issue.
CLIMB UP TO UR HAND!!!!! gosh... that's like so cool... ahhahaha
well for me, it just frighten me when he tries to bite d chopstick i use to feed them

let me guess, his gills are also small? cause my floating axies have smaller gills, n the other one which is on d lower part of the tank have beautiful red gills
i doubt this means too much as shes always liked gulping air

I would not disregard this completely. If you axolotl is showing this behavioural pattern on a frequent basis, it will more likely mean that your tank has a problem with water quality; in particular, nitrite.


My female sometimes crawls up onto my hand and then sniffs around like a dog looking for food (she nips at my palm, too - of course it doesn't hurt). I know you are not actually supposed to touch axolotls if possible but I thought if she's climbing up herself, it is awfully cute... I've never either seen or read about an axolotl doing "belly rolls" - I mean tilting from left to right, unless perhaps I've misunderstood your description and maybe this is her way of swimming?

You write that it is "as if she is trying to get out of the water"; this might be a noteworthy description. You write that your water levels are all fine. Please, are you using the dip strips to test your water? I am still furious with the dip strip manufacturers - the strips kept telling me my water values are wonderful, everything fine, let us rejoice - and my pets kept looking poorly. Then they started dying. I finally went out and bought the fancy-schmancy (and expensive!) test kit with little beakers and dropper bottles of chemicals, and these told me that I had a full-blown nightmare in my aquarium. Once having established that, I was able to restore equilibrium in my aquarium within days (or, more correctly said, to keep my animals alive while equilibrium was restored).

Also - axolotls do have lungs, but the lungs are only rudimentary lungs. As I have understood things so far, they do not just breathe through their lungs because it's fun. As far as I have understood it (I must keep qualifying these statements because I have only had mine since January), they breathe best and usually and most comfortably through their gills and their skin. If your little ones are gulping air, this might again be a sign that the water quality could be less than healthy.

@lazylilsnoop: I am relatively new to the water world, but I am not sure that small gills are an insignificant matter. Have the floating axolotls been in your tank longer than the ones at the bottom?

I never have been able to post a short message, sorry for that.

Thanks for the replys guys.
Reading in the tank are as follows:
Ph-6.9, usually 7, Amonia-0, Nitrite-0 ,
We don't have a nitrate test kit yet, we will have one soon though. The kits that we currently have require the use of chemicals and beakers. Medusa's gills are small, and yes chucks are nice and fluffy. She lost them quite awhile ago, in our early days.
Hi Davsty,

If she is still floating and jumping around and the water quality checks out okay - it could be stress.

I'd give her a vacation and pop her in the fridge for a couple of days - set the fridge to at least 5 degrees (no lower) and put her in a tub of fresh dechlorinated water - put in enough water to cover her but ensure her feet can touch the ground as you mentioned "she cant seem to swim down at all". Not being able to touch the ground after a few days can freak an axolotl out adding to stress.

You will also need to put a couple of bottles of dechlorinated water in the fridge to use for daily 100% water changes - this ensures the axie is kept in constant temperature while having a water change - drastic changes to temp can throw axie into shock stressing them further.

Cheers Jacq.
[ "she cant seem to swim down at all". [/quote] Admittedly I know almost nothing on this subject and am VERY aware of people banging on about 'morphing', but what if, this axolotl needs air and needs land? Can't swim down, tries to climb out etc... Maybe lowering the water slightly and adding some sort of 'platform/escape route' just in case may help? Just a suggestion from a newbie. After all, it can't hurt to try... Can it?
Hello Sarah and Rich,

Admittedly I know almost nothing on this subject and am VERY aware of people banging on about 'morphing', but what if, this axolotl needs air and needs land? Can't swim down, tries to climb out etc... Maybe lowering the water slightly and adding some sort of 'platform/escape route' just in case may help? Just a suggestion from a newbie. After all, it can't hurt to try... Can it?

Axolotls will seldom morph without a specific precursor, such as, the manipulation of the thyorid gland. If an axolotl is spending most of its time at the surface of the water, the first thing you should do is check the water parameters, namely ammonia and nitrite. Nitrite has a higher affinity for haemoglobin, and it will displace oxygen. Hence, the axolotl spends more time at the surface to get the required oxygen.

Most axolotls remain in the neotenic form for their whole lifespan. I've read that lowering the water levels can induce metamorphosis, but I cannot vouch for this information. Even if this theory is true, this seems highly impractical because the lifespan of the axolotl is shortened.

If your water parameters are good then the floating may well be stress related.

That having been said I have four axies. The oldest one likes to float, periodically gulping air to assist this.

Axolotls have gills and rudimentary lungs so they will gulp air and its not normally an issue.

There are signs that indicate morphing as well as increased air intake. Have a look at and you will find out what these indicators are. Whilst it is extremely rare for an axolotl to morph naturally it does happen and should not be discounted as it is possible for a morphing axie to drown.

Axolotls are protected by a slime coat touching them can damage this and open the way for infections and disease so it is best to avoid touching them where at all possible.
Are you 100% sure you have an axolotl?
There seems to have been a few cases lately of people buying what they are told is an axolotl only for it to turn out to be a tiger salamander larva. If you have any doubts at all then please post a picture to clarify.
Are you 100% sure you have an axolotl?
There seems to have been a few cases lately of people buying what they are told is an axolotl only for it to turn out to be a tiger salamander larva.

Tiger salamanders are illegal in Australia. If Dave and Kirsty do have one, they could be facing some serious fines for owning an illegally imported exotic animal. In any case, they will have to provide the necessary documentation as proof that the exotic animal was legally imported.

Tiger salamanders are illegal in Australia. If Dave and Kirsty do have one, they could be facing some serious fines for owning an illegally imported exotic animal. In any case, they will have to provide the necessary documentation as proof that the exotic animal was legally imported.


well, thanks Jay. You learn something everyday...:D
The chemical parameters seem to be fine when correctly tested. I miss two points on the parameters (besides from nitrate) - what is the temperature in the tank and what do you feed your Axolotls?
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1