

New member
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
I decided he needs his own thread ;)

Video of Feeding:
I apologize in advance for my stupid accent and the fact my brother and dad are talking in the background. And shaky cam plus bad quality.

Feeding Ax [Earthworm] - YouTube

I need to work on my through water photography more.
I can't seem to get the focus right.
The top one is more recent.


Ax is one gorgeous marshmellow, Jossie.
I should give my axies lessons on hunting. Loved how you pointed to the wormy *it's THERE*.

Also loved the bit where you dad was like "he's going in for the kill", just like a nature documentary. :D
I should give my axies lessons on hunting. Loved how you pointed to the wormy *it's THERE*.

We go through this almost every time he gets fed- he sits there staring up at the surface while a worm is right next to him. So we all point at it (feeding him attracts my brother and dad)
Hence the skewer being next to the tank,so I can push it back towards him (usually I'm in a rush to leave so I need to make sure he eats it and that it hasn't escaped and hidden somewhere)

That's actually my little brother saying "he's going in for the kill" :p
*takes notes* My axies.. are you paying attention?

Haha, oops. Somehow I kinda knew I would get whoever I said it was wrong.
Haha, oops. Somehow I kinda knew I would get whoever I said it was wrong.

LOL he'll never know and I doubt he'd care.
He did find it hilarious when people thought he was 'my man' and then about 3 seconds later saying he sounded like Hannah Montanna on a live video I did once a few years ago.
:eek: He's a melanoid! but so light... that or a funky coloured leucistic. SO beautifull, what a hunter :D I'm so happy you finaly got one
also i was thinking.. what accent, i dont hear any... oh wait, blonde moment
Awww, he was more interested in you than the worm I think!

Plus, I think I should just put 'Jossie, I love your axolotl' as my signature.
That was funny to watch, thanx! Also, what accent? oh wait, im aussie too :p Feeding time for my axi's isnt as exciting, mostly cause I feed them pellets :rolleyes: Maybe I should get them a worm or 2 like that and see what happens :D

Love your axi though, its so cute!
Feeding time for my axi's isnt as exciting, mostly cause I feed them pellets Maybe I should get them a worm or 2 like that and see what happens

He took to earthworms instantly.
The only problem now is that he completely ignores bloodworms in his feeding jar (this was originally how I was feeding him)
I want to see if he'll eat pellets, just so if I go away and the person looking after him doesn't like the idea of worms he'll eat something :/
I'm worried he'll just ignore them.
the top photo is very beautiful, you should submit it to the next calandar competition :D It needs to be big though
the top photo is very beautiful, you should submit it to the next calandar competition It needs to be big though

Why thankyou!
I always take high resolution photos anyway, they're just resized by the internet.
I'm going to submit some, I just haven't taken any I'm happy with!

Ax also has a little forked gill!
I think it's like growing extra fingers (which he also has on his regenerating hand)

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Excuse me, Jossie.. I think I'm blind.. can't quite see a forked gill?

It isn't as big as some others (Like your beautiful Tenedor's), but your right, you can't see it in that image very clearly- I'll try to find/get a better shot of it.
Looking forward to new pics of the gorgeous marshmellow - any excuse! ;)

Tenedor says thankyou very much, Jossie! I think it's gone to her head. :rolleyes:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughs every time I feed my lotl. He's adorable!
It's hard not to laugh!

Ax being, well a weird axolotl.
Strangely the first time he did this was when I was replying to Mewsie about weirdness and filters.
Sorry again for the terrible sound, quality and shaky cam.

Ax Weirdness - YouTube
Wow he eats the worm so well! Mine is a bit of a pansy when eating worms! He won't eat it if I'm looking, so the night time routine is: wash a worm and plop it in near him, feed the other axies their bloodworm as they are tiny, go to the bathroom and clean my teeth, come back and his eaten it! He is so weird! :rolleyes:

And what is it with axies and filters?! My Mr Bojangles loves to sort of 'tree hug' the filter, then when I come to look at him, he turns his head innocently at me as if to say 'do you mind?' :p
Kitty likes to swim towards the filter and then float away, then lather rinse repeat over and over again. Weird creatures, they are.
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  • gemmie:
    Hello I've been looking into axolotls and wasn't sure if it was even legal to get a pet one in Australia
    gemmie: Hello I've been looking into axolotls and wasn't sure if it was even legal to get a pet one in... +2