Axi having blood


Dec 25, 2022
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Hello! I haven’t been online in the part few days/weeks,but I’ve got a problem..

Basically, my male axolotl mochi, is a golden albino axolotl and as you know they mostly have golden/peachy gills. so does my mochi but today as I woke up I looked at all of them, and I saw that something was off with mochi.

He had red ( really strong red ) gills– almost like blood on his gills and his veins were visible over all his body. I found this very suspicious because mochi is usually not much of a red-colored axolotl.. neither could I ever see veins on his body.

Last time I saw my axolotl have this symptoms, she was sadly dead..

Help would be needed :)
Here are some photos- 1st photo is mochi normally, second is him now.
what are your water parameters ie.. temperature, ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, gh, kh ?
what chemicals/minerals are used ie.. dechlorinator, conditioner, holtfreters, salts ?
when was the last water change?
has there been an increase in activity?
a couple of things can cause flushed gills (and visible veins) apart from viral/fungal/septicemia, these are increase in respiration due to activity, warmer temperatures, issues with nitrogen compounds.
ensure that the water contains 50% holtfreters + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate or at least having salt at the level of 2g/l instead, this is to make sure the water chemistry is correct and to prevent issues with fungus etc.. as well as protection against fluctuating nitrogen compounds.
because albinos skin is semi translucent it makes it easy to see the veins under the skin even when the animal is in good health, good levels of water oxygen will produce the same as picture two, where as bad levels cause pale gills such as picture one.
unfortunately this means that septicaemia can be miss diagnosed (same as good oxygen) as can anaemia (same as bad/low oxygen).
septicaemia cause by bacterial infection would require antibiotics as well as daily baths in methyline blue and acriflavine.
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    I also asked this as an actual question in a thread in case anyone wants to answer it there instead of here
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    Guess no one answers anything here, gonna have to make a post I gues
  • SkudulfXD:
    Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot yet, so I'll ask here, I'm a first time Axolotl owner, and my dad used to run an aquarium store, anyways... Orca, my Axolotl, seems to loose parts of her toes on one limb from time to time, I can't seem to find the problem. Tempature is well, she doesn't seem to have any infections or anything, though. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vet in Brazil for amphibians that are in a reasonable distance to drive without stressing Orca out too much
    SkudulfXD: Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot... +1