Illness/Sickness: Axie Frostbite???


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Mar 10, 2009
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United States
I have three axolotls that have lived together for 2 years. I have their tank on a chiller. I just notice the chiller malfunctioned and froze itself to the floor of the aquarium. i also noticed two of the axies have similar marks on their sides. A white and a natural colored axie each has a very white spot on their side. The white one's spot is larger(like two coins side by side). I think they rested up against the frozen chiller. Beyond the white patch it seems swollen. It seems like a frostbite injury...the patch has hard cells unlike their normal body texture and the swelling seems like that that would occur with frostbite. If I have diagnosed this correctly...can they recover and what is the best means of recovery? Is my greatest threat possible infection?

I will find out tomorrow if they are still eating. They are really are not acting that abnormal. They are hanging out a bit higher than normal...but not floating.

Please advise. There are not vets in this area that would have a clue. My only other option is to call the University of Kentucky.


Please post some photos of your axolotls.
I would keep a close eye on the patches, watch out for any cotton wool like additions that may indicate fungus, if so you may need to do salt baths. Do not do the salt baths unless there is an indication of fungus. Keep an eye on your water conditions, and keep us posted.
Axie Frostbite? Part 2

I am trying to post pictures but something is wrong with security and the administrator...I can email them??? I am open to suggestions.

Today i noted the natural axie's wound was peeling but not the white axie. The white axie's swelling has seemed to go down. The thid axie is still okay. I think the chiller is fixed and I did a water change. here are my questions.
1. Should I feed them? in this case their diet is earthworms.
2. What temp should I put the tank at during their recovery?
3. Believe these are both female due to their belly size...but is my natural axie to fat? She is always this size...she is dominant and hangs out in the food bowl.

Thank you to all who respond. There are not many people in this country who understand axolotls...or even know what they are.

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Carry on feeding them the earthworms, keep the water temperatures below 20 degrees. So far all seems well, not sure why you are unable to post your pictures...have you tried putting them into your album on your home page?
What else do you have in your tank, especially the substrate ? If their tummies are looking fat, you may be over feeding them.
Wow. What an unusual situation. I does seem as though they have a frostbite injury. The frostbitten tissue is now dead and will need to be sloughed off as the axie heals. As has been suggested, you will need to monitor your pets for signs of infection - either fungal or bacterial. Your axies will need to eat properly to heal properly so I wouldn't suggest withholding food. You might consider a prophylactic treatment but I'm not a big fan of that approach. Just keep your water extra clean to prevent additional stress. I would set the temperature at what you had been maintaining them before the mishap.

Best of luck with this difficult situation.
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Natural axie's burn is sloughing off...hers was like a "second degree" But white axie's may have some "fuzzies" I gave him a three minute salt bath today. Hers was definitely a "third degree burn.

I have no substrate..used to be sand but it all got sucked you think this is stressful?

Also please refer me to specifics on the salt baths. I have the Indiana Univ. Hof... Salt it is a 40% solution when mixed into 40 gallons. I measured the total in grams and then divided by 40...and diluted that amount in 1 gallon.

Success with the pics...although these are from yesterday. I think the high school computer was not allowing the upload.

Thanks for the advice and support.


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    What are good worms for axolotls
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1