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Can sand cause any problems?


New member
May 7, 2007
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I am changing my tank from gravel to sand and I was just wondering if sand can cause any problems. Will the axolotl still eat the sand like it eats the gravel?

i dont think so, i think the axies will still eat it to a certain extent but being so small it should pass through them
you just need to stir the sand on a regular basis to avoid gas pockets building up in sand; by stir we use the turkey baster every few days (usually when we're spot cleaning and run the turkey baster in rows across then down through the sand; we use the siphon/gravel cleaner and do similar but once a fortnight giving it a wee shake so all sand doesn't fly up the siphon and into the bucket).

Axies will swallow it but it is as Rebecca said small enough to pass through easily unlike the gravel.

You will need to remove your undergravel filter as the sand will block it up, your other filter should be ok though.
So with sand there is no chance of it blocking the axolotl up and it will stop it from getting so fat.
Thats what they just said Stephen, its good to see that you are getting sand.
Hi everyone what type of sand is best for their tank. i have gravel but want to change to sand asap, but not sure what to buy, people at the pet shop are no help at all. Also what type of plants are suitable for their tank? Do i need to wash the sand before adding to the tank, if so how do i do this? (i'm just new at this, so want to get it right for my axies) Thank you.
you can get a sack of playsand from Bunnings or Mitre 10 or somewhere similar. It's cheaper than the petshop too.

You do need to rinse the sand till it runs clear. First time we did it, we used pillow case and filled with sand and stuck it under the tap till the water ran clear from the case.

Other method I used was to put some sand and water in a bucket, swirl it round and decant the cloudy/dirty water; repeat till it was clear, continue till required sand is done.

(Message edited by kapo on April 03, 2007)
Thanks Kapo. you are always coming to my rescue, i do appreciate it. What type of rocks are suitable for their tank? I would like large ones so they can hide under. Do i take the axies out of the tank when adding the sand?
We have some large slate type ones as well as rounded schist type rock (that was the name on the bags - they're sort of oval shaped, grey and white about 10-11cm long x 7cm wide) - costs $13 a bag from the petshop over here.
Thank you so much. We will be redecorating the tank over easter. Will let you know how it goes.
I'm sure it will look great!
make sure to post pics of your new setup! i love looking at everyones tank.
Kapo i will have to have bare tank for a few days. This morning our little girl ate a piece of gravel, it was my fault i hand fed her and i dropped the pce of food, she was so quick and gulped it up plus a pce of gravel!, i feel soooo bad!!!!. So as soon as i get home from work i will take all the gravel out. how long before i know our little one is ill from eating the gravel, ( if she dies from this i will never forgive myself) i am always so careful to make sure they don't get near the gravel when i am feeding them.I FEEL SOOOO BAD AT WHAT HAS HAPPENED
. Thankyou.
You don't need to be so hard on your self, it wasn't your fault everyone makes mistakes. After all its just an axolotl, things could be worse.
Hey June chances are even if you're careful they will have snuffled around when you haven't looked and swallowed some.

You'll know soon enough when you remove the gravel. It will start to appear on the bare tank floor.
Kapo they can die from eating gravel can't they? what are the first symptoms of her becoming ill,she ate 2 pcs but i saw her spit one back out, the other she swallowed, do they pass them out or do they get stuck in their bodies?. I am of to bunnings now to get the sand , i have my two axies in a large plastic container with their own tank water in it, how long before i can put them back in their tank?. Will they be ok in this container for 24 hours? Thank you!
June you don't have to be that worried. My axolotl used to eat gravel all the time and once I saw it drop out ten pieces of the stuff. So I think if it ate only 1 piece of gravel it will be fine.
dont panic yet june! as kapo said they have probably eaten it in the past, and just passed it through i wouldnt start to worry untill they go off their food or stop going to the toilet normally, good luck im sure you will be fine!!
Thank you all for your support, i am washing the sand, so i can get the new set up going for my axies! hope to get some pics up soon.
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