Chicken gizzards killed my Tiger?


Sep 2, 2022
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United States
Without giving it much thought, other than thinking if its good for one animal type..... Also in realizing that the occasional chick that fell out of its nest would be gobbled up by a tiger. Frozen thawed chicken gizzards were eagerly taken off the tongs by all. A day later I found what appeared to be regurgitated gizzard. It was covered with slim and did not appear to be feces. The next day another was found.Roughly a day or so later I found " mabel" dead! My heart sank and I started kicking my self when I found her/ him. 95% certain gizzards killed my sallie. 82% humidity a little high, can't see this killing em. 70 degrees temp. 3 tigers in a 40qt container, holes in side for ventilation. This was the second week of acquiring and weren't acclimated yet. I can't see stress being a factor, they have hides and a water dish to soak as needed. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Water conditioned wth Aqueon Beta bowl plus.
Without giving it much thought, other than thinking if its good for one animal type..... Also in realizing that the occasional chick that fell out of its nest would be gobbled up by a tiger. Frozen thawed chicken gizzards were eagerly taken off the tongs by all. A day later I found what appeared to be regurgitated gizzard. It was covered with slim and did not appear to be feces. The next day another was found.Roughly a day or so later I found " mabel" dead! My heart sank and I started kicking my self when I found her/ him. 95% certain gizzards killed my sallie. 82% humidity a little high, can't see this killing em. 70 degrees temp. 3 tigers in a 40qt container, holes in side for ventilation. This was the second week of acquiring and weren't acclimated yet. I can't see stress being a factor, they have hides and a water dish to soak as needed. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Water conditioned wth Aqueon Beta bowl plus.
Not being acclimated could have contributed to the salamander's death. Do you know if the conditioner had aloe vera in it? Aloe vera, in large doses, can be toxic and fatal to amphibians.
Sorry for your loss.
Not being acclimated could have contributed to the salamander's death. Do you know if the conditioner had aloe vera in it? Aloe vera, in large doses, can be toxic and fatal to amphibians.
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you. No mention of aloe in the ingredients. Possibly the gizzards may have been chicken hearts. The parts were frozen for some time and more than likely were freezer burned. It does dehydrate , and toughens the fibers. Maybe it couldn't be digested? Not to mention the antibiotic chickens are fed? Did they kill her/ him?
Impossible to tell whether it was the food or something congenital or something entirely different without an autopsy, TBH. If it wasn't organic, I can see it very likely as a potential source of death for your little guy. But it sounds as if he puked it as opposed to had become impacted on it...
Impossible to tell whether it was the food or something congenital or something entirely different without an autopsy, TBH. If it wasn't organic, I can see it very likely as a potential source of death for your little guy. But it sounds as if he puked it as opposed to had become impacted on it...
Hopefully its not husbandry, everything seems good. The container there in, has a solid lid but tiny holes in the sides for some ventilation. Not enough? Out of the 3, 2 puked and not sure which. I'm thinking, puking saved the 2. They are feeding and seem fine. Not to mention these are F3 sallies.
Maybe...difficult to tell until all other potential controls are eliminated. If possible, you might consider getting a necropsy done.
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