Illness/Sickness: Hasn't pooped in weeks


New member
Jan 26, 2020
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Salem, New Hampshire
United States
My axolotl has suffered chemical brain damage and we're currently treating him for that with diluted Methylene blue baths every day. (Full story here)
He eats frozen cube of Mysis and brine shrimp every other day. He can't eat worms anymore since the lack of oxygen that caused the brain damage makes it so he's too weak to keep any live food down. Since the change over to just shrimp, he hasn't pooped in several weeks. Probably at month at this point. He's big, but not fat. He's not bloated or floating.

Should we stop the Methylene blue baths and fridge him until he poops, or just keep on doing what we're doing?

Thanks in advance.
it should be fine to stop the methylene blue baths.
is he tubbed or in a tank?
if he is in a tank it is possible that he has been defecating but the filtration is removing any trace, check mechanical filtration (sponge) for debris.
if he is tubbed what condition is the water before changing as axolotl fecal matter isn't always solid.
He's in a tank.
The baths didn't seem to make much of a difference. Maybe a tad. Lowering the temp definitely helped.
the methylene blue baths would have helped with the absorption and release of oxygen of the blood (which is how it treats toxicosis) allowing oxygen to reach the brain.
the healing process could be very long.
unlike most animals axolotls heal better at cold temperatures but at too colder temperatures ie.. fridge temperatures organ failure and death can occur, hence why fridging should be a last resort.
Ok, thanks for the info. I did the methylene blue baths for 6 weeks. Should I continue doing them?
whether to continue giving MB baths is up to you, if you feel like they are no longer effective discontinue them.
I would encourage you though to ensure that the waters parameters and chemistry is as close to ideal as possible to provide the best environment for healing.
Understood. I'm taking him to the vet this week as well to see if they have any other observations. Thanks for all your help!
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