Is my axolotl obese or starving?


New member
Oct 2, 2019
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United Kingdom

I don't have a picture but I will try to get one if I can.

My axolotl, Bryce, is a few years old and has never had any health issues before. We think he is actually a female based on overall shape/characteristics. The problem is, Bryce has always been pretty fat for an axolotl, so we don't feed him too much - for the past few months/year he has only been having one adult pellet every two days, in the hopes of getting him to a healthier weight. However despite this diet his body is definitely wider than his head, I know female axolotls tend to be rounder but Bryce is pretty fat even for a female. He doesn't have any problem swimming and doesn't float or anything like that. He doesn't poop a lot but when he does (maybe once a week, or once every two weeks) it is pretty normal-looking (it has changed colour from dark brown to pale yellow since switching to pellets, but overall size and shape is regular?). I feel bad feeding him so little, as I don't want to starve him, but I also don't want him to be obese and live a bad quality of life because of it. Is there something wrong with him? Should I feed him more?

Thank you
without pictures showing different perspectives of his/her? body it is hard to give any advice.
what are your water parameters ie.. temperature, ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, kh, gh.
what are the pellets are fed?
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