Looking to purchase a Daphnia culture


Sep 25, 2011
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United States
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I have some eggs that will be hatching soon and wanted to have some Daphnia as a backup to my bbs. Im having trouble locating sellers. I am located in the Boston area. Thanks!
I have only seen it on ebay. They want $25 shipping from Ohio. If you find it cheaper please let me know too. Good luck
Hi! Just joined after having bought a new baby axolotl. He/she is a leucistic my daughter named "Nebula". Anyways, completely new to this but a century ago when I was in University we got our supplies from Ward Scientific and they have daphnia cultures. I don't know if they are the right "kind" but shipping is not astronomic and prices are cheap especially if you are ok with them in a bag instead of a jar.

I have had great luck buying from aquabid.com under the live food section. There are almost always a couple offerings for daphnia along with a bunch of other small live food cultures.
I sell live daphnia for 25.00 shipping included. we do our best at keeping the cost down. 2 bags of daphnia and 2 bags of green water . for 25.00 Thanks I hope I can help you .
Rhonda Moormann on Facebook to Rhondas daphnia culture pm me to order rlmoormann@gmail.com
I would highly recommend ordering daphnia from Rhonda. I've ordered the past two years. She sends a generous amount of daphnia and the green water starter is a huge plus. The trick is to have a large enough container to allow the daphnia to reproduce enough to meet your demand. I was able to raise way more than I needed in my parents garden pond.
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