Need help... Slender the Axolotl...


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Apr 16, 2014
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Cleveland, Ohio
United States
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Okay, as I've posted before... My smaller axolotl, Slender, was moved to his "rehab" 10gal to be separated from his sibling because he wasn't growing.

In this time, he has managed to PUKE up every earthworm bit that I've fed him.
Ate it, then spit it back up, then refusing to eat, not even with a new worm bit.

So, this leads me to believe...
A) He's dying a slow horrible death,
B) He REALLY hates worms.

Okay, so with that being said, I went out and got more bloodworms.
I didn't want to, because they don't provide the nutrition he needs, but I couldn't starve him...

He readily gulps them down, but if he eats to much he will puke everything back up.
So there goes another problem, but I've learned to manage, and he does keep them down...

BUT the real problem.

He still has not grown, if anything he has gotten much skinnier.
AND, he has lost his coloring? I literally don't know what is happening and I'm so sad for him.

Anyone at all who can help me, or give suggestions... Anything at all if you've ever seen anything like this...

Thank you all again.


Current set up.



Poor little guy. My axolotl hates worms too and I've had to stop trying with them because of weight loss. The only thing that I can suggest is trying Hikari sinking carnivore pellets. They have a strong smell that seems to attract my axolotl and he's eaten them from the first time with gusto.

If you find they're a bit too big, you can easily soak them for a minute or so and they'll become soft but hold their shape, then you could cut them in half. You can either hand-feed by holding them in front of his mouth or drop them right onto his mouth and he should snatch them right up. I've had pretty good success, my axolotl went from 2.5 to 4-5 inches on black worms and then to the pellets, some with worm trials in there. He's now about 8 inches and quite chubby.

Good luck!
Poor little guy. My axolotl hates worms too and I've had to stop trying with them because of weight loss. The only thing that I can suggest is trying Hikari sinking carnivore pellets. They have a strong smell that seems to attract my axolotl and he's eaten them from the first time with gusto.

If you find they're a bit too big, you can easily soak them for a minute or so and they'll become soft but hold their shape, then you could cut them in half. You can either hand-feed by holding them in front of his mouth or drop them right onto his mouth and he should snatch them right up. I've had pretty good success, my axolotl went from 2.5 to 4-5 inches on black worms and then to the pellets, some with worm trials in there. He's now about 8 inches and quite chubby.

Good luck!

I have a Hikari sinking wafer? I called 3 places, and they all said it was VERY close to the sinking pellets.

I hand feed my axxies with long tweezers, no thanks to actually touching a worm.

I just wish little Slender would stop giving me scares and grow, even just a little!
I have no problems with him having a separate tank his entire life if needed, I just need a sign that he isn't dying!

Thanks for your advice! I'll call my LFS tomorrow and see if they've gotten in any of the pellets!
Have you tried salmon pellets? Stanley was a picky eater as a juvi, he was raised on almost just those with worms as much as possible, and now he's 10.5 inches. I ordered a pound of the stuff (axolotl pellets from eds fly meat) and I still have 3/4 of it lol.. if you live in the us I can ship you some for free, anything to get the little guy better.
Maybe the not eating has to do with the habitat change? Maybe it will pass?
Have you tried salmon pellets? Stanley was a picky eater as a juvi, he was raised on almost just those with worms as much as possible, and now he's 10.5 inches. I ordered a pound of the stuff (axolotl pellets from eds fly meat) and I still have 3/4 of it lol.. if you live in the us I can ship you some for free, anything to get the little guy better.
Maybe the not eating has to do with the habitat change? Maybe it will pass?

No I haven't. Just bloodworms, the sinking pellets (only a couple times), and earth worms, whole, half, and cut up...

I really appreciate that offer!
I do live in the U.S, I'm in Ohio.

He's been in the 10gal for about 3 weeks now.

And he readily eats bloodworms, and I have Hikari Sinking Wafers? They are similar to the carnivore ones, but not the pellets.
I break them in half and pre-soak...
He chews them, and then eats them, it's rather cute, but they aren't the correct food, either.
I'm not home until tomorrow, and post is closed Sunday, but I can ship you some Monday. I have so many and Stanley only eats one at a time lol they worked when he was slender size but now he is so big! :) I don't know about the sinking wafers, I haven't used them, but I'm sure if its carnivore, that is better than no food!
I'm not home until tomorrow, and post is closed Sunday, but I can ship you some Monday. I have so many and Stanley only eats one at a time lol they worked when he was slender size but now he is so big! :) I don't know about the sinking wafers, I haven't used them, but I'm sure if its carnivore, that is better than no food!

Okay, thank you so much!

I can PM you tomorrow or Sunday?

Yeah, I try to do the bloodworms, but tonight I gave him half of the pellet and he ate that, too.

No spitting up, shockingly!

I think he would appreciate a pellet food!
I could also give a couple to the bigger axxie to see how they take to them, could always order my own if they work out!

Thank you again!
Okay, thank you so much!

I can PM you tomorrow or Sunday?

Yeah, I try to do the bloodworms, but tonight I gave him half of the pellet and he ate that, too.

No spitting up, shockingly!

I think he would appreciate a pellet food!
I could also give a couple to the bigger axxie to see how they take to them, could always order my own if they work out!

Thank you again!

No problem! Pellet foods are great lol especially when you can't find any worms in your garden :p pm me either tomorrow or Sunday to remind me! Haha :)
Don't the sinking wafers have like dried up seaweed in them? I don't know how good those would be for an axolotl anyway lol
Don't the sinking wafers have like dried up seaweed in them? I don't know how good those would be for an axolotl anyway lol

It doesn't say they do? But I guess you can't always be certain.

It's really not a staple that I use anyway, I'd rather stick with bloodworms, and try other pellets & such. Plus they are TINY wafers, so half of one really isn't a whole lot? Haha.
No problem! Pellet foods are great lol especially when you can't find any worms in your garden :p pm me either tomorrow or Sunday to remind me! Haha :)

I could seriously be crazy, but I think he's gained back a bit of color since dinner last night.

Here's hoping the Salmon pellets can help!

Again, I seriously appreciate it!

This is him tonight.

He regained some color, and actually looks a bit more plump and healthy.

Let's hope this is a good sign.
he does look better!

He may just have a genetic or congenital issue that prevents him from keeping food down. This may mean he may not be able to be saved but bless you for trying. I have a gargoyle gecko who was about to be culled for MBD (congenital not dietary) and lack of growth. She is full grown now and still has a wavy spine and she isn't as large as other gargs, but she is fine and happy.
Red wigglers, whole, half and cut up.

Nightcrawler cut up.

He spits it back out and "gags" for awhile after he even touches one.

from what ive seen posted here and around the web some axolotls absolutely hate the taste of red wigglers
I have 3 at home that refuse to eat them
When one is given they greedily gulp it into their mouth but then spit it back out, you can see a cloud of unpleasant looking goo or something following the worm out
They seem to emit an pleasant tasting goop when theyre stressed or injured

What kind of nightcrawlers are you feeding them?
Ive had the best luck with Canadian Nightcrawlers with mine
for their entire juvenile life all of mine were fed a consistant diet of frozen bloodworms and wardley shrimp pellets until the local bait shops had ANY nightcrawlers in stock again...
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    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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