Potting aquatic plants or alternatives


New member
Jan 25, 2015
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British Columbia
Hey everyone, I am hoping to be pointed into a better direction. I have found a couple of threads about this subject but I am still not satisfied with what I am seeing. I have gone with no substrate in my set up, and I have bought several plants in those mesh pots they can come in. So far they have been ok, but from what I understand the exposed roots with eventually rot and the plants will die. I started thinking maybe I need to add substrate, but I really dont want to stress the newts out with pulling everything part for that. So I have landed on potting my plants. First, I bought these pots from walmart, and I am not sure if they are safe, any takers? I put one in some water last night and am going to observe it for a few days and see what it does.

Clay Pot 3" | Walmart.ca

Next, I am stuck on whether I can use aquarium substrate that is mineral rich in my water set up or are there suggestions on a substrate to use with plants in pots?

If anyone out there has a better suggestion on how to go about making sure my plants lives as long as possible without disturbing my newts too much then I am all ears!

There should be a picture of my setup in my profile somewhere.

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That is an amazing thread and I agree it should be stickied! It answered all of my questions! Thanks Chinadog, I have not been here long but I am already seeing how active you are within this community and you have helped me several times already.
Well, shoot me if I did something wrong, but I did it a bit differently. I used a couple of the clay pots, and I also picked up some little "fish bowls" for $2 each from the pet store. I also have one long tupperware container for down the left side to do tomorrow. I didnt go with rocks under the pots, but I plan on making hides soon out of slate or granite. I find these to be a bit bulky, but if it keeps the plants alive, cool beans. I might just try to spread the java moss around the pots and bowls because the newts seem to enjoy hiding in and under it.



I like it, maybe top it off with some sand to prevent waste from building up in the gravel
I like it, maybe top it off with some sand to prevent waste from building up in the gravel

I bought a smaller vacuum so I was going to try that for now. I will finish the right side of the aquarium tomorrow. If I cant control the buildup I will add some sand to it for sure! (I also have a large baster for cleanup)
Looks good to me. :) You might find the Java fern does best tied onto a piece of wood or rock, it is a plant that likes it's roots exposed and will naturally spread wherever you tie it.
Looks good to me. :) You might find the Java fern does best tied onto a piece of wood or rock, it is a plant that likes it's roots exposed and will naturally spread wherever you tie it.

I happen to have a piece tied to some malaysian driftwood. Most of the rest is in there growing under my good lights for my other aquariums around the house, but I think I am going to get some Christmas moss for my other piece of driftwood. I REALLY like the look of Christmas moss!

I got the rest of my plants done today and did a quick vacuum. Having the plants in these pots made a HUGE difference in how easy it was to vacuum. Thanks again Chinadog!
You're very welcome. :)
How are the newts doing? From what I can see they sure look ok, but imports can be quite fragile for a wile after purchase.
They are doing awesome. They are eating earthworms any time I offer them. They are fully aquatic, mostly in plants, sometimes crawling around the rocks below. One is a bit skinny and the others are nice and plump, but all eating. One was latched onto another, and of those 2 one had a much larger tail, so I am wondering if male and female? I will figure that all out soon enough!

It looks so much better now all cleaned up with the plants all in pots. Couple of rocks and slate to hide under. I have some snails from some of the plants, so I threw 2 assassin snails in there to hopefully take care of them.

One was latched onto another, and of those 2 one had a much larger tail, so I am wondering if male and female? I will figure that all out soon enough!

Here is an article on sexing. You will see their is a picture of a male and female of the species you have.
Caudata Culture Articles - Sexing
Here is an article on sexing. You will see their is a picture of a male and female of the species you have.
Caudata Culture Articles - Sexing

Do you have pictures? Ive found that sexing H. orientalis by cloaca size is unreliable, pictures can help, its pretty easy to determine by tail size and shape
Do you have pictures? Ive found that sexing H. orientalis by cloaca size is unreliable, pictures can help, its pretty easy to determine by tail size and shape

Are you asking me or the OP? That post doesn't really make sense....you quote me then ask if I have pictures...but I would think you mean the OP has pictures of his newt? Confusing......
Are you asking me or the OP? That post doesn't really make sense....you quote me then ask if I have pictures...but I would think you mean the OP has pictures of his newt? Confusing......

Quoted cause the article only shows how to sex based on cloaca size
Cloaca comparison is of C. pyrrhogaster. Look at the first pictures, they are of H. orientalis, labeled male and female. It is quite obvious that the male in the picture has a tail that is shorter and wider. I suppose I just figured the OP would notice that.
The sexing photo really helps. I have seen that one before I think. I will try to get photos of the tails later on.
I still have no photos, but I could easily tell after reading the sexing tutorial that I have 3 males and 1 female. I may try getting one more female later on, I am not sure yet. My photos dont really turn out, and half the time the angles are wrong haaha.

I am really glad to see the forums back up. I dont know what I would do without all of your wonderful help everyone! Thanks again.
If you do, try to find some nice CB ones. Though raising larvae and morphs of the specie can be frustrating at times, they hatch and morph at very small sizes, which makes feeding an issue sometimes, and they have the urge to go terrestrial after morphing, though I put mine in a shallow aquatic setup(>1.5cm) with java moss.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1