Suggestion on product


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Apr 8, 2013
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United States
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I know 99% of products to put into the water are big no no's when it comes to axxies, but I'm wondering if this would be okay?

My tank has been cycling for a few weeks (axxie's are not in the tank) and my ammonia has consistently and stubbornly stayed around 4ppm. It was at 8ppm and dropped to 4 but that's where it's staying.

Is this product harmful to axolotls? Anyone have any experience with it? It looks like it'd be decent to pick up and try out if it's safe, just to get my ammonia levels down once and for all!

FritzPet Products - FritzZyme® 7

Also, I've been using dechlorinated tap water, but after the tank is cycled and established I was wondering if reverse osmosis water is okay to use? We have a couple All Fish Emporiums here that sell R/O water for about 30 cents/gallon.

RO Water Refills | Allfish Emporium

Thanks guys!
Bump before I destroy my tank using this. Has anyone had ANY experience with this stuff or anything like it?
Sorry i can't be more helpful when it comes to that product. I've never heard of it so im not sure whether or not it is safe. As for using reverse osmosis water, it is bad for axolotls. It causes minerals etc to leach out of the animal resulting in death.

If you are looking for a good water conditioner, I recommend Prime (made by seachem). Prime is pretty inexpensive, easy to find, and it's what I use in all of my tanks. I've never had any problems with it.

Hope this helps!
I've never used a boosting bacteria product. I'm not sure if they actually work? How can bacteria which require a good flow of oxygen from your filter survive in a sealed bottle?
To be honest I'd just let nature take its course. It will happen eventually, I guess it just requires patience.

Reverse osmosis is not recommended for axolotls. From what I understand it removes minerals and ions from the water which axies rely on. Dechlorinated tap water is probably best for your axie :D

Caudata Culture Articles - Bottled Water for Amphibians
I doubt it would do any harm, I just doubt it would do any good either. It is one of those products that you get sold as a must have but which actually do sod all other than cost you money.

Regular water changes and a quality dechlorinator are about all you need in all honesty.

Stick with the dechlorinated tap water rather than use the RO water
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1