55 Gallon Planted Tank Suggestions (Beginner)


Jan 22, 2012
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United States
I just came into a 55 gallon tank, and I mostly have experience in keeping aquariums. But I have a high water pH and the tank would have to be in the garage if it would be a full aquarium which gets up to 90 degrees so I've decided to go with an indoor frog terrarium. I have a humidifier I got for growing oyster mushrooms lol but I'm otherwise starting from scratch.

My question is, what frogs would you recommend for a little community in a 55 gallon planted tank.
Some larger dart frogs would be amazing! Possibly Any dendrobaties or some golden poison frogs
I just came into a 55 gallon tank, and I mostly have experience in keeping aquariums. But I have a high water pH and the tank would have to be in the garage if it would be a full aquarium which gets up to 90 degrees so I've decided to go with an indoor frog terrarium. I have a humidifier I got for growing oyster mushrooms lol but I'm otherwise starting from scratch.

My question is, what frogs would you recommend for a little community in a 55 gallon planted tank.
Not sponsored, but check out Josh's Frogs, they have a wide variety of plants, frogs, and kits that will make it effortless for you.
This is a link to the 55gallon kit: Dart Frog Tankless Habitat Kit (55 Gallon) | Josh's Frogs
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