Newt has white infront of back leg


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Jan 10, 2015
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I've taken more pictures of her leg i can't seem to tell what it is I feel bad Cuz I can't tell if its ick or bloat please I've looked it up and no-one has anything similar I'll upload pics to my albums.
It looks like a sore to me, I would isolate it into an escape proof container with moist paper for substrate and apply some neosporin without painkillers, and hopefully someone else can add on to that
Aren't salt baths only for fungus? I feel like it would just irritate the sore even more, but idk

No, they can be used for sores.

People have had success with salt baths but also with Neosporin (without painkillers, the one for ******l use) applied directly to the sore.

Written by Azhael ( Rodrigo ).
I'm adding a picture of the quarantine tank I put him in its just a betta tank but its escape proof it'll be in the same album as the first pic
This is just my opinion but it looks worsening

It looks like he has a kidney stone coming out of his side I did the thing with the neosporine which made him more active but it looks like he's going to explode I'll upload a picture
Re: This is just my opinion but it looks worsening

Can you just continue using the same thread instead of creating a new one.
And did your neosporin have pain killers in it? Also if sand or gravel got into the wound it definitely wouldn't help.
And sorry but, I'm at a loss on what it is.
He looks like hes dying

Check out picture its in my album white leg please help I don't want him to do
Re: He looks like hes dying

Can you please stop making several threads and just continue posting on one thread, theres not always someone who knows how to deal with this issue on the forum 24/7
Re: This is just my opinion but it looks worsening

Yeah I used the pain killer less neosperine and he seemed happier but now he looks worse Idk what to do because I've tried everything you guys suggested and none seemed to work
I took a look at your pictures. Sorry to say that your newt looks extremely ill and like it is beyond help at this point.

There really isn't much you can do beyond the advice you've been given unless you wanted to spend money on a very good exotics vet.
If a vet isn't an option for you, euthanizing it might be a good idea, I don't know if this kind of injury would go away using home methods, Ive never seen anything like it before
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I don't mean to be grim, but when you look at the first picture, it looks like the skin fell of around his intestinal reigon, and I am trying to put this lightly, but you might need to euthanize him.
I don't mean to be grim, but when you look at the first picture, it looks like the skin fell of around his intestinal reigon, and I am trying to put this lightly, but you might need to euthanize him.

I agree, at this point recovery is not likely, so there is no reason to let him suffer. I am sorry to say it, though.
Before I seen your posts and comments I didn't know euthanizing was an option and sadly it hurts to say it but he passed on his own naturally while I was gone so he's dead and my other one seems happy but I'm wondering if the disease is contagious
And I'm just wondering if I did euthanize it how would I? I heard of plastic bag in freezer but that seems cruel to me
I found out he was bitten by another newt and it tore the skin and it got infected and ended up killing him
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